Til Death Do Us Part is a digital-only, SFW Sylvix zine that explores Sylvain and Felix’s evolving relationship throughout their years together.

The zine is set in the Fire Emblem: Three Houses canonverse and is divided into four sections to cover the different major eras of Sylvain and Felix’s lives - from childhood to academy days to wartime and lastly, their post-canon life together! Each section features four short stories and accompanying illustrations by our talented roster of writers and artists.

All proceeds from the sale of the zine will be donated to the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, whose mission is to end discrimination and achieve equality for transgender people.

Update: As of August 31, this project is officially complete! We raised a total of $1,723 for TLDEF, and all zines have been sent to buyers. Thank you to all of our mods, our contributors, and everyone who supported the zine—we couldn't have done it without you.


Interest check: February 5 - February 26

Mod apps: February 27 - March 12

Contributor apps: March 13 - April 18

Deliberation: April 19 - April 30

Creation period: May 1 - July 9

Final submissions: July 9

Preorders: August 1 - August 30

Delivery: August 31

✧Project complete!✧


Grace (@redxcranberry)
Head Mod, Social Media Mod, and Writing Mod

Although this is her first zine, Grace is bringing several years' professional experience with social media campaigns and events to Til Death Do Us Part. She's also a hobbyist author and loves reading and writing about Fire Emblem: Three Houses, especially Sylvix! She's incredibly excited to be working with the fandom for this project.

Becky (@bigfootsflannel)
Writing Mod

Having worked on literary magazines in the past, Becky is excited to have Til Death Do Us Part as her first fandom project she's been a part of. She's been writing for about as long as she can remember (don't ask about her early fandoms).

Rhys (@raptor_redeeem)
Writing Mod

As an experienced zine contributor and moderator, Rhys is thrilled to bring his passion for fandom projects to Til Death Do Us Part. When he's not daydreaming about Sylvix (and even when he is), Rhys works diversely as a freelance writer and editor. He can't wait to utilize what he's learned from his career opportunities as he works closely with this zine's writers.

Lazulila (@_lazulila)
Art Mod

One of those fandom relics you've been warned about from the days of Geocities and LJ. Lazulila is joyously bringing years of fandom experience and art-making expertise to Til Death Do Us Part. Once woken up from her midday nap, she'll be super excited to do her best at working with everyone to make this wonderful project the best it can be!

Kaya (@JudithKayakat)
Art Mod

Kaya has been a part of several zines but is fairly new to modding. Having an extensive art and graphic design background, she’s eager to jump in and make this zine an astounding success. And well, having a soft spot for the Blue Lions doesn’t hurt either!

Vic (@CoyoteHymns)
Art Mod

Vic has been a contributor for zines before, but she’s excited to jump into this zine as a mod! Vic is bringing an illustration degree and about a decade of fanart experience to the table.

Meg (@tastyweeds1)
Writing Mod, Beta/Editing Mod

Meg's new to zines, but she's a seasoned writer, editor and communications strategist in her professional and volunteer worlds. Thanks to Sylvain, Dimitri and the rest of their terrible house, she can no longer pretend to be a normal human; she enacts her revenge on them through fluff and angst (mostly angst).

Leo (@sailorauriga)
Formatting Mod

Although it is Leo's first contribution to a zine, they're eager to bring their experience as a professional graphic designer to the Til Death Do Us Part team.

Alex (@thechaoscryptid)
General/Organizational Mod

Alex has held a variety of moderating and contributor roles in over 15 zines, and is jazzed about bringing that experience to Til Death Do Us Part. He also brings 10+ years of writing and editing to the table. His fandom wheelhouse is wide and varied, but Sylvix has taken hold of his brain with no end in sight!